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Creating & Living During the Pandemic


Director and writer Nitzan Mager and called on Fever Content to execute a multi-channel marketing campaign for the second season of the Quarantine, I Love You (QILY) web series. After producing the first season of content, they needed help in increasing the overall awareness of the project. They also wanted to spark online conversation and discourse around the show’s timely content which touched on the upcoming presidential election and life in quarantine.

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Despite the many challenges we faced on this project (including the need to generate creative proposals & content for episodes as they were produced), the marketing campaign helped earn 20,636 views and 8,309 minutes watched on QILY season 2 episodes, generating 2,941 engagements and 55,702 impressions on QILY social media accounts.

Our efforts helped QILY earn a coveted spot in Sundance's Beyond Film program as a project of who was also a Sundance satellite partner for the 2021 festival.


The Campaign


After researching the competitive webseries landscape and QILY’s Season 1 online presence, we immediately got to work on updating and refreshing digital branding for Season 2. Simultaneously we implemented various SEO optimizations and developed new publishing opportunities for the web series. Once we had a strong foundation in place, we crafted a multi-channel marketing campaign around the Season 2 schedule, targeting Facebook & YouTube as our primary launch platforms.

In addition to supporting each of the second season’s 8 episodes with social media content, we launched two additional initiatives to help position the QILY brand for short and long-term success: a Social Media Best Practices guide for talent and a low-cost, high-impact PR initiative to increase name-recognition for the filmmaker.



  • Analytics

  • Community Management

  • Public Relations

  • Brand Development

  • Digital Marketing Strategy 

  • Social Media Content Creation & Copywriting

  • Ad Spend Strategy & Management 

  • Community Management


Campaign Highlights


Creative Direction

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Inspired by the series’ American political themes, we elevated the brand with an updated logo, evocative color scheme, and improved layout to emphasize the series’ modern, quirky sensibilities. We deployed the new brand identity across each episode’s title card, social media content, and social media platform profiles.


Social Media Content

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We strategically focused on supporting the Facebook and Instagram platforms to ensure that we broadened awareness with both Gen X audiences (Facebook) as well as Millennials (Instagram) audiences. We ensured our episode-specific social media content was as attention-grabbing as possible, by focusing the majority of our efforts on creating video content including captioned clips, episode-specific GIFs, and a fun series of pre-roll ads for YouTube.

Public Relations

Our low-cost PR outreach initiative connected with 26 national and local outlets based on the filmmaker’s personal story of creating joyful content everyone can relate to during quarantine. This coverage included interviews, features, blogs and social posts from outlets like Authority Magazine, Thrive Global, and Film Shortage.


Campaign Feedback


Lela Meadow-Conner, CEO + Mother/Founder


I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Fever Content team for our web series Quarantine, I Love You. Their expertise in the realm of social media and promotion definitely augmented our own outreach, and my favorite thing about working with each of them was their passion and enthusiasm for independent storytelling.



We took the challenge of promoting a web series fully recorded on Zoom and persistently pivoted to yield the highest results possible in a very short amount of time. See how we are constantly creatively ideating and innovating the world of digital marketing with our DOC NYC, Resisterhood, and Popstar: Reflections campaigns!